Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I need some assistance

I have been asked to preach at all 4 services on Palm Sunday, and I need some assistance with a "visual" that is going to be done at all 4 services. The task is easy. There is no speaking, dancing, or singing involved. Anyone can do what we need done. Could you help out? Are you available? If so, drop me a line.

Grace and Peace

Monday, March 16, 2009

Okay...I'm back

I'm back in the office after a 3-day weekend vacation, and I must say that I had never been more in need of a vacation than I was by the end of last week. Truly, I'd been running on empty since February, which is why I haven't blogged much. Praise God for time away.

That being said, here are some things on my mind:
1) I shared a moment with my older son, Blues, this weekend that I'll never forget. My family and I visited Kalahari in Sandusky, OH. And on Friday night, Blues worked up the courage to ride a rather intimidating water-slide with me. He was scared to death, but said, "Dad, I know I can do it if you're there with me." He got on the intertube with me, squeezed the handles, and away we went. It was priceless.

2) Harlend has offered me an opportunity to partner with them in an exciting new ministry venture that they are gearing up for. I don't know exactly what it will all flesh out to be, but I love Harlend. And I love doing ministry with them. And what they've invited me to do with them makes my heart beat fast.

3) I've finished several books recently, but I think I'm done reading for a while. I've been giving far too much time to reading leadership books and other "good Chrisitan stuff" so much so that it's taken my Bible reading time away. That's crap. I'm not reading anything anymore until I get my fill of God's Word first.

4) I'm trading in "nice" for "Truth". I've spent the past season of my life being "nice" to people who come to me for assistance, encouragement, advice, etc. And there is nothing wrong with being "nice" to people in those situations. "Nice" is...well...nice, but "Truth" will set you free. So I've decided to save everyone, including myself, a lot of time and skip right to the "Truth". Be warned that from now on, if you come to me, I'm gonna give you "Truth". It may not be "nice", but at least you'll know that I love you enough to tell you the "Truth".

5) It's getting warmer outside. PRAISE GOD!

6) Palm Sunday is coming. I'm excited to preach again. We have some fun stuff planned for the weekend.

Grace and Peace

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sunday Night Reflections

This past Sunday night at Powered Up with our students will go down in the books as one of my favorite nights of ministry ever. We had a baptism service to celebrate the faith-decisions that were made by some of the students while we were at last weekend's retreat. And as if that weren't special enough, after we baptized those students I asked the crowd if there were any others who have felt the tug of God on their hearts and would like to come and be baptized right then and there. And in all seriousness, revival broke out. There were several who came forward for baptism. I'd tell you exactly how many, but, quite frankly, I lost count.

Students came forward emptying there pockets of cell phones and wallets. They kicked off their shoes, stepped into the pool wearing there blue jeans and such, made a profession of faith in Jesus, and were baptized. And let me just tell you, it was a sight to see. After every student I simply turned to the crowd and asked, "Is there anyone else who would like to be baptized tonight?" And they just kept coming. And perhaps best of all, the students who were closest friends with those being baptized got into the pool with me to assist with the baptism.

It was AMAZING!!!!

And yes...we got it all on video. Don't'll be seeing it soon. Please join me in thanking God for the outpouring that He blessed us with on Sunday night. As I think back on it, I'm still just blown away.

Grace and Peace