Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sunday Night Reflections

This past Sunday night at Powered Up with our students will go down in the books as one of my favorite nights of ministry ever. We had a baptism service to celebrate the faith-decisions that were made by some of the students while we were at last weekend's retreat. And as if that weren't special enough, after we baptized those students I asked the crowd if there were any others who have felt the tug of God on their hearts and would like to come and be baptized right then and there. And in all seriousness, revival broke out. There were several who came forward for baptism. I'd tell you exactly how many, but, quite frankly, I lost count.

Students came forward emptying there pockets of cell phones and wallets. They kicked off their shoes, stepped into the pool wearing there blue jeans and such, made a profession of faith in Jesus, and were baptized. And let me just tell you, it was a sight to see. After every student I simply turned to the crowd and asked, "Is there anyone else who would like to be baptized tonight?" And they just kept coming. And perhaps best of all, the students who were closest friends with those being baptized got into the pool with me to assist with the baptism.

It was AMAZING!!!!

And yes...we got it all on video. Don't worry...you'll be seeing it soon. Please join me in thanking God for the outpouring that He blessed us with on Sunday night. As I think back on it, I'm still just blown away.

Grace and Peace


GrandmaK said...

Amen! I will be praying for these precious people that they will never forget how much Jesus loves them. Thank you Pastor Mark for your faithfullness. I am blessed because you are a blessing.


Dear Mark,
The following letter was written before I left for FL last week. Enjoy:
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Peace and praise to God…I wish I could be with all of you as you joyfully hear the accounts of your individual experiences of youth retreat. HE just keeps showing us how good HE is. When Mark emailed his plan for post retreat accounting and sharing, I was disappointed as I knew of my planned trip out of town. I didn’t want to hold anything back…all that HE showed me. I always come away from retreats, of any kind, more convicted AND more confirmed. God was there, big time with Holy Spirit presence…as I prayed with kids, I looked into their eyes to see God’s very presence. Brown, blue, green, I saw not…dark pupils leading to light, truth, and His purpose was evident for me as I gazed into HIS very creations. The love for Him and His children just welled up inside of me. He spoke His power and presence in them, through me. So many gifts…so much strength…so much wonderment!!!! So much revelation of HIS salvation for them.
There were many tears shed. It was as visioned to me before the retreat while in fervent prayer for them. I know not their hearts, but as I heard their sobs and nose blowing I knew they were giving HIM their hearts…they were in relationship with HIM…I gave glory to the Son of the Living God, Emmanuel, for every tear shed. My heart of compassion for their hurt was held up in prayer to Him who hears all.
And then there was the one child, who already came believing, wanting to ‘feel’ His presence. I prayed with her in love. I keep praying for her because she seemed to be in the desert with her Lord. How might we encourage that dear child? Lord, if it be Your will, would You please show her a glimmer of Your outrageous hope? Would You have her look beyond her own flesh so desirous of You and focus of Your convicting presence and freedom power going on around her? Lord, tell her in some way that it is OK to rejoice in the gift of your Holy Spirit in places and people around her. Have her take any spiritual barren-ness and look at is as blessing. Let her understand Your very spoken Good News, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the Kingdom of Heaven shall be theirs.”
In Jesus’ name I pray for her.
Friends, as I finish typing, I want to share in Mark’s sentiments…it is an honor to serve with all of you. You know me and all my sin as well as my very family. You love me through my impatience, my haste actions, ‘tone’ of my voice, my worry to finish in time, and my poor explanations when you offer helping hands to hang something in someplace. My daily devotional today helped me re-define that feeling of conviction I had in those moments…All I need to do is ‘the shift’: Focus on the Shepherd, not what the Shepherd has yet to do for me. I was ‘wanting’ more time; but I understood within the labyrinth HIS timing is perfect…I knew to trust Him before the whole labyrinth began…It was about HIS love for each and every foot walking that path in their moment with HIM. By Saturday night at the altar prayer call, the Spirit took my breathe away…you can ask ________, as I prayed for him and God showed me his perfect, physical heart . I don’t know how _______’s heart is functioning now. Let me explain with some history: On Friday evening while dancing crazy to Harlend, ______ shared with me he felt faint often because his heart was ‘enlarged’, ‘too big for its own good’ and that was why he felt ‘exhausted’ at times. When ______ came up to pray with me on Saturday night, God had me gulping air; deep, deep breathes. I prayed about the healing of his heart. He was this mountain of a kid/man and I was holding him up in prayer…I felt light headed when it was over. _____ was smiling and joyful…I would love to know if he’s had any ‘symptoms’ lately. But wasn’t God good to let me experience HIS healing in that moment? I don’t care if it lasts for just that moment in prayer together … God continues to give me glimpses of HIS outrageous love and hope. I even get to share it with some of HIS children. That would be you guys.
And in this witness, may you all come away healed in Christ’s love for you!!!!

I can’t wait to work with you all, again, doing His Kingdom work.
See you when I return.

Your Sister in Faith,
I do because HE does so much for me.
