Sunday, February 24, 2008

Some of my favorite things about the winter retreat:

-Blaine's comment during his testimony saying, "I did marijuana, but I didn't do anything else...I'm not that big of a retard!" That made me laugh hard.

-the boxer run - me and about 10 other guys in tennis shoes and boxer shorts running around the circle in the middle of the night howling like rednecks when it was like 10 degrees outside...invigorating! It may be the reason I have strep throat right now, but it was invigorating nonetheless.

-when we sang like the saved!!! As long as I live, I'll never forget that.

-praying with about 40 students who were making a first-time decision to accept Jesus as their Savior on Saturday night. That was beyond words...

-the moment that I shared with Seth Jonczak after the God Station of the prayer labyrinth...what happened there will have to stay just between me and him, but it was one of the most precious experiences of my life.

-when we were in the middle of the praise and worship set on Sunday morning and the bird that had gotten into the chapel pooped on our drummer's head. Sorry Matt, but that was awesome.

-when Kaitlin Tryon noted that the bird was perched on the cross at the moment he "dropped the bomb" on our drummer. She then stated that when a bird poops on you while perched on the cross it must be viewed as "holy crap". FUNNY!

-watching little Josh Harter play volleyball. He's a beast!!!

-seeing Alex get the best "five star" ever from Tim Hunt. It hurt me just looking at it.

-Harlend, the band that came...they were surprisingly good! I love those guys!

-when a student gave me his pocket knife...he explained that in his battle with anger and depression he had used the knife to cut himself over the past couple of years to help ease the pain. When he gave me the knife, he said, "Jesus loves me. I want you to take this knife away from me because Jesus loves me." HALLELUJAH!!!

-communion on Sunday morning. I opened up the table as sort of an all-you-want-to-eat-of-Jesus buffet. The students then came and stuffed themselves...indescribable...

-our "sexy black nametags"

-seeing Theresa smile the entire time she listened to the God Station. The look of joy on her face was so pure and holy that I simply couldn't look away.

-when I prayed with Kaleb after he accepted Jesus, he said, "2/23/08...the new best day of my life!" I love that kid.

-getting to work with my team. I have the best assistant pastor, prayer team, and volunteer staff on the planet. YOU GUYS ROCK!!! Thanks for all of your hard work!!!

It was an amazing experience. Bravo, God!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Important thought about the retreat this weekend

Tonight at my ABS group Sammi Stewart made a point that has really stuck with me. She said, "With as many new people who are coming to the retreat this weekend, we need to be extra careful to make everyone feel welcome. If we get all clicky and stay in our groups, then we will ruin their weekend before it even begins."

Sammi's right, you know...your kind words; your invitation to share a room or a lunch table; your willingness to take a little time to get to know someone new will go a very long way in helping us all to have the best possible weekend. So...I'm asking you, please, get out there and show them how this youth ministry is more like a family than a youth group.

You're opening up your house to bunch of special guests. Will you be a good host?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A precious, holy moment...

Last night we had a preview of a Prayer Labyrinth that we have designed for our upcoming winter retreat. This preview was for the chaperones who will be attending and a handful of students who are unable to attend the retreat.

It was a truly beautiful night. The heaviness of the Holy Spirit was truly precipitating about the room as both students and adults made their way through the stations. And while I want to tell you all about it, I know that I shouldn't give you the details because their are so many students who read my blog...I don't want to ruin the experience for them next weekend!

Towards the end of the evening, however, there was one precious, holy moment that absolutely melted my heart. As one of the students finished the Labyrinth she sat and journaled for a while, and then she stood up, walked over to the large wooden cross that stood in the center of the station, wrapped her arms around it, and began to cry.

She stood there weeping and hugging the cross for almost a half hour. As I watched from a distance, I couldn't shake the sense that she was actually standing there chest to chest and cheek to cheek locked in holy embrace with Jesus. It was mezmorizing...while I didn't want to stare, I just couldn't look away...There was such a look of peace and freedom on her face that words simply can not describe it.

Thank you, Jesus!!!

By the way, if you have not yet signed up for the winter retreat, there is still time! Go to the student ministry's website, click on the "winter retreat" page, and follow the instructions.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Bree wrote...

Bree Larkin is a student who does a work study with me 3 days a week. I absolutely love the way she expresses her convictions. She blogged a few days back about something we've been studying together. Check it out:

I want Jesus. Period.
Today PM and I studied 1 Samuel Chapter 3.

I want to know Jesus. I don't want to minister before Him. Or know the facts about Him. Or go through the motions for Him. I don't just want to proclaim Him as my Lord and Savior. No. I want to live for him. I want every action to be a perfect reflection of Him. I want to be so in tune with Jesus that I can feel his breathing. That my heart beat becomes one with His. I want to be filled with His infectious love. I want to know my Savior. I want to know his likes and dislikes. I want Him to be the best friend I tell everything. I want Him to be my primary focus. I want Jesus to be my everything. He is more than enough. I want to know him that way. I want to know Him wholly. I want to know Him inside and out. I want to know Him the same way He knows me. I want to be crucified with Christ. I want Jesus. Period.

But the fact of the matter is this: I'll never wholly know Him. I can't. I will spend the rest of eternity getting to know Him. And to me, this is a beautiful thing. This is a lifetime of everyday understanding a little more of my Savior. This is a lifetime of everyday feeling his touch a little stronger, it becoming a little more familiar. This is a lifetime of everyday taking one more breathe in sync with Him. This is a lifetime of everyday having one more thought in tune with my Maker. This is a lifetime of dying a little more to myself and taking up a little more of His life.

I just want Jesus. Period.

The latest book report...

Here's what I've been reading over the past few months;

1) Searching for God Knows What, Donald Miller
This is a good book for anyone who feels as though their faith walk lacks clarity and focus. I definitely recommend it. By the way, Donald Miller is so transparent in his writing style. You can really tell that "he's smoking what he's selling".

2) Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
This is a re-read for me. C.S. Lewis will go down as one of the Christian minds of all time. This is deep stuff, and yet every word of it is applicable and practical. Here's a quote from the book, "We learn...that we cannot trust ourselves even in our best moments, and ,on the other , that we need not despair even in our worst, for our failures are forgiven. The only fatal thing is to sit down content with anything less than perfection."

3) Venti Jesus, Greg Steir
This is a fun, quick, true story about a discussion between 3 teenagers in a local Starbucks. It's a great excercise in teen evangelism and apologetics. Every Christian teenager who's ever wondered about sharing their faith should read this book. PS - This might just even take the form of a play and hit the stage at Charter Oak Church sometime over the next year...great book!

4) The Barbarian Way, Erwin McManus
This has been a real break-through book for me on living out my faith without fear. This is a true how-to guide on throwing caution to the wind and stepping out for Jesus. EXCELLENT!!!

5) Take it to the Limit, Andy Stanley
This book is about developing and maintaining good boundaries and limits in life. This has really opened my eyes as to how I'm guilty of "burning the candle at both ends" from time to time. Are you in the middle of a season of exhaustion right now? If so, then go take a long nap...then, after you wake up, go get this book. It will certainly help you build a foundation for a more healthy, vibrant lifestyle.

These are all great reads. I hope you'll check them out!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

In Daddy's arms

Last night my newborn son Izzy fell asleep as I was holding him. It was getting late, and sleep isn't something that I've had a lot of lately. So I excitedly tip-toed to the crib and tucked him in. I got in bed, and I nearly fell asleep, myself, when Izzy began to cry. I rushed back to the crib and picked him up, doing my best to fight through the drowsiness and comfort him. And though I was in a zombie-like-state, I was successful...Izzy quickly relaxed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep. So I repeated the process of tip-toeing to the crib, tucking him in, and getting into my own bed. And...of course, Izzy woke up again but only long enough for him to find my arms around him til he fell back asleep. This routine continued a couple more times until I decided to just ignore my own sleep and hold him for a while.

It was then in those quiet moments that I felt God tugging at my heart and showing me a picture of myself. All too often I struggle to find rest and peace in the wrong places...places that don't make sense...places that aren't eternal...places that aren't Truth...places that are fading away...and all the while my Abba Daddy waits, more than willing, to pick me up and wrap His big, holy arms around me. As I watched my son sleep last night, I saw the perfect image of peace and rest. It was a son who was wrapped in the arms of his father.

God, please hold me today. No one else will do. This world has nothing for me. In Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, February 4, 2008

When I typed that sentence...

I didn't know it was going to happen. I didn't feel it coming. But when I typed a sentence on my computer this morning, I became so aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit that I lost all control of myself. Something inside of me just broke...

I've been praying about it for a long time. I've even had dreams about it. But when I typed that sentence on my computer this morning, I felt as though Jesus took control of my fingers and started typing through me. It was crazy!

I was prayed up. I was ready for a day at the office. But when I typed that sentence on my computer this morning I felt the embrace of the King, and it felt good...That may sound crazy to you, but it's the truth.

I've been finishing my preparations for the Winter Retreat. I've been turning rough drafts into finalized manuscripts. It sounds mundane, but when I typed that sentence on my computer this morning something from Heaven flooded my soul. It was too big for words...It washed over cup overflows...hallelujah!!!

"What was the Sentence?" you may be wondering...
The sentence that I typed was, "Welcome to the Labyrinth."
Have you signed up for the Winter Retreat yet?
Have your friends signed up?
It's gonna be off the chain!!!