Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A precious, holy moment...

Last night we had a preview of a Prayer Labyrinth that we have designed for our upcoming winter retreat. This preview was for the chaperones who will be attending and a handful of students who are unable to attend the retreat.

It was a truly beautiful night. The heaviness of the Holy Spirit was truly precipitating about the room as both students and adults made their way through the stations. And while I want to tell you all about it, I know that I shouldn't give you the details because their are so many students who read my blog...I don't want to ruin the experience for them next weekend!

Towards the end of the evening, however, there was one precious, holy moment that absolutely melted my heart. As one of the students finished the Labyrinth she sat and journaled for a while, and then she stood up, walked over to the large wooden cross that stood in the center of the station, wrapped her arms around it, and began to cry.

She stood there weeping and hugging the cross for almost a half hour. As I watched from a distance, I couldn't shake the sense that she was actually standing there chest to chest and cheek to cheek locked in holy embrace with Jesus. It was mezmorizing...while I didn't want to stare, I just couldn't look away...There was such a look of peace and freedom on her face that words simply can not describe it.

Thank you, Jesus!!!

By the way, if you have not yet signed up for the winter retreat, there is still time! Go to the student ministry's website, click on the "winter retreat" page, and follow the instructions.

1 comment:

i am not said...

dude :)
you have no idea how excited I am. I am so ready.

give me some Jesus!