Sunday, February 24, 2008

Some of my favorite things about the winter retreat:

-Blaine's comment during his testimony saying, "I did marijuana, but I didn't do anything else...I'm not that big of a retard!" That made me laugh hard.

-the boxer run - me and about 10 other guys in tennis shoes and boxer shorts running around the circle in the middle of the night howling like rednecks when it was like 10 degrees outside...invigorating! It may be the reason I have strep throat right now, but it was invigorating nonetheless.

-when we sang like the saved!!! As long as I live, I'll never forget that.

-praying with about 40 students who were making a first-time decision to accept Jesus as their Savior on Saturday night. That was beyond words...

-the moment that I shared with Seth Jonczak after the God Station of the prayer labyrinth...what happened there will have to stay just between me and him, but it was one of the most precious experiences of my life.

-when we were in the middle of the praise and worship set on Sunday morning and the bird that had gotten into the chapel pooped on our drummer's head. Sorry Matt, but that was awesome.

-when Kaitlin Tryon noted that the bird was perched on the cross at the moment he "dropped the bomb" on our drummer. She then stated that when a bird poops on you while perched on the cross it must be viewed as "holy crap". FUNNY!

-watching little Josh Harter play volleyball. He's a beast!!!

-seeing Alex get the best "five star" ever from Tim Hunt. It hurt me just looking at it.

-Harlend, the band that came...they were surprisingly good! I love those guys!

-when a student gave me his pocket knife...he explained that in his battle with anger and depression he had used the knife to cut himself over the past couple of years to help ease the pain. When he gave me the knife, he said, "Jesus loves me. I want you to take this knife away from me because Jesus loves me." HALLELUJAH!!!

-communion on Sunday morning. I opened up the table as sort of an all-you-want-to-eat-of-Jesus buffet. The students then came and stuffed themselves...indescribable...

-our "sexy black nametags"

-seeing Theresa smile the entire time she listened to the God Station. The look of joy on her face was so pure and holy that I simply couldn't look away.

-when I prayed with Kaleb after he accepted Jesus, he said, "2/23/08...the new best day of my life!" I love that kid.

-getting to work with my team. I have the best assistant pastor, prayer team, and volunteer staff on the planet. YOU GUYS ROCK!!! Thanks for all of your hard work!!!

It was an amazing experience. Bravo, God!!!!

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