Thursday, March 6, 2008

My father-in-law died

Yesterday my wife and I received a phone call that we had been expecting for about a month now. My father-in-law, Jim, had passed away. He had been battling leukemia and other bone marrow diseases for over a year. And, I'm not going to lie, it's been a hard couple of days. In fact, my deep admiration and respect for Jim over the 9 years of knowing him has made this pretty stinkin' hard.

Anyways...I have the truly blessed honor of officiating at his funeral on Sunday, and over the course of my preparations for the service I've been daydreaming about what Jim might be doing right now. Check it out:

Could it be that, right now at this very moment, Jim is listening to the "roar" of the redeemed as they sing "like the loud peal of thunder" unto the King of Kings? Or perhaps he's even making a thunder himself? (Revelation 14:2)

Could it be that, right now at this very moment, Jim is seeing the angels "numbering thousands upon thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand" as they encircle the throne of God. (Revelation 5:11)

Perhaps his very last "tear (ever) is being wiped away"...right now at this very moment. (Revelation 21:4)

Perhaps he's drinking "without cost from the spring of the water of life" mouth waters just thinking about what that must taste like... (Revelation 21:6)

Perhaps he's gazing upon the "golden city"...the city of God who's gold is "pure as glass"... (Revelation 21:18)

Perhaps he's mezmorized by the foundation of the city walls...They are "decorated with every kind of precious stone", you know... (Revelation 21:19)

Perhaps he's swimming in a "river as clear as crystal". (Revelation 22:1)

Perhaps he's, make that strutting down the "great street of the city" noticing the "trees yielding fruit for the healing of the nations" and dreaming of the day when we will all eat of it...and be healed. (Revelation 22:2)

Perhaps he is worshipping at the "throne of God and of the Lamb" about a sanctuary... (Revelation 22:3)

Perhaps he is captivated at the sight of the "face of the King"...we're all gonna see His face, you know...I personally can't wait for that one! (Revelation 22:4)

Perhaps the "name of God is being written on his forehead" that's an awesome tattoo! (Revelation 21:4)

Perhaps Jesus is "declaring his name to the heavenly brothers"...can you even imagine how sweet it will be when Jesus calls you by name? (Hebrews 2:12)

Perhaps Jesus is "singing him a song of praise"...that's right, Jesus said that he's going to sing to us in heaven! By the way, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a lovesong. (Hebrews 2:12)

Perhaps he is "ascending the hill of the Lord, or better yet, "standing in His holy place". (Psalm 24:3)

Perhaps he is turning in all of the visas of this world and finally reaping the benefits of "having a citizenship in heaven". (Philippians 3-4)

Perhaps he's moving into His "room"...after all, Jesus has been preparing that room for a long time, and especially for him...Jesus has promised to return and take us to be with Him there, you know...hallelujah! (John 14:2)

Perhaps he is hearing the voice of Jahweh speaking the words that he has so desperately longed to hear, "Well done my good and faithful..." (Matthew 25:21)

Or perhaps he is basking in a glory so rich and pure that our human vocabulary can't even behold it...Jesus is crowned with that glory, by the way. (Hebrews 2:7)

So for now, I'm just going to praise God that my father-in-law, Jim, is finally getting to reap all of the benefits that amazing grace can afford him...and looking forward to the day that the rest of my family and I will get to join him.

Go worship the King, brother...see you soon...

1 comment:

i am not said...

Hebrews 2:12 :)

I with you AM
Jim with Jesus is.
I wanna go to heaven