Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Way: just 2 more Sundays

Well, I don't know about you, but, as far as I am concerned, September 13th can't come fast enough. I'm SO excited, and I'm SO ready to do this! It seems like every night I go to bed I dream about this church. And it seems like everytime someone asks me how things are coming with the new church that I just fumble over the words because I'm just ready to get on with it. I've written and re-written and studied and memorized the opening Sunday's message, and everytime I'm alone I catch myself preaching it. Goodness...This is SOOOO exciting.

Much has been done in the past week, and there is much left to do. And, frankly, I need all the prayer that I can get. Will you be in prayer for me?

A bit of news, The Way has been incredibly blessed to have several thousands of dollars worth of consulting donated for free! I've taken advantage of some of that consulting time already, and let me just say is great stuff! It's crucial stuff, and I am blown away that God has made this available to us. We would have never been able to afford it otherwise. God is SO good!

Friends, would you join me in prayer thanking God for His goodness toward us and asking Him for His continued guidance and favor? As September 13th draws closer I think it is of great importance that we all bathe ourselves and our new church in prayer. THIS IS SO EXCITING!

Grace and Peace be with you.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Way: at face value

Dear friends of The Way,

Here's some old news, I'M PUMPED ABOUT THE WAY! In fact, I'm so excited that I can't keep a steady train of thought in my head tonight. So here is a random sampling of what's in my head:

The Way got a P.O. box today. Our mailing address now is P.O. Box 361, Latrobe PA, 15650

Some friends of The Way have spent the past two days helping with renovations in my garage to convert it into an office for me and Jean. We're making great progress...and having loads of fun! Thanks for the help!

Someone asked me today about the financial committment of The Way. They said, "I'm blown away that this church is gonna give 50% of its budget away to the needy. I think its so great. But tell me, why would you do this? No other church I've ever heard of has done this." I replied first by asking them on behalf of the church of Jesus Christ for forgiveness for not being more generous in stewarding God's money in a manner that gives it to the people who need it most and then said, "God has laid it on our hearts to put our church on a shoe-string budget so that needy people in our community won't have to." She cried a little and then asked me how she could make a donation to our ministry. :)

Our first Sunday morning worship service is getting close! September 13th at 10:30 am. Mark your calendars friends!!!!!!!!!!

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had to get thrown into a fiery furnace to enjoy the company of an angel. Peter, once walking on the water, had to get far enough out of the boat to sink before he got to hold the hand of Jesus. And Paul had to endure a thorn in his flesh before he understood the sufficiency of makes me wonder...what will the risk and challenge of starting this new church reveal to us about our Lord and His work in our lives. This is a bold act of faith. It's a risky move. It's kind of crazy really...It's just the kind of thing that God historically has used to create a greater fellowship with His people...that makes me excited! I desperately want to know Him better and love Him more. Anyone with me on that?

A laptop has been donated to The Way. YAY!!!

It could be said that I'm addicted to prayer right now. I've been praying for The Way and this community and the friends of The Way so much over the past few days that it's started to consume my thoughts. Could this be what Paul meant when he talked about praying without ceasing...? Anyways, I ask you to be in prayer, too. Could you help me hold The Way, our needs, our gathering times, and our people before God in prayer? For the Lord, our God, is faithful, and He will do it!

Thank you all for your many emails, texts, etc. of encouragement. Each one of them is a huge blessing!

I wonder if we all just took God's Word at face value if we would ever have a single worry or fear ever again...this is the kind of faith that I see in The Way.

Goodness...I'm so excited about this!

Grace and Peace be with you.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Way: visiting Nashville

Hello friends of the way. I apologize for not blogging as frequently as promised last week. I actually had to spend several days in Nashville as both my mother and my father had emergency hospitalizations last week. They are both now on the mend, and I am back in town. I'll get back to the grind here and post regularly. In the meantime, I ask you for prayer for my family, prayer for The Way, and prayer for God's provision for our many needs.

Grace and Peace be with you.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Way: for the attorneys (VOLUME 2)

More questions and answers to give clarity regarding the operations of The Way.

Q) It was indicated that the church will place no value in membership, but rather will encourage the individual covenant to join the congregation for a period of one year. Please describe the “covenant partnership” in more detail: Will you use an application form? If yes, please provide a copy or indicate what will be included in the form.

A) There will be a covenant agreement which every person who attends the way will be given to sign on an annual basis. The items of this covenant are taken verbatim from Acts chapter 2 verses 42-47. They are as follows:

As followers of The Way, I covenant over the next calendar year to regularly attend weekly gatherings at The Way for the purpose of keeping to the Apostle’s teaching as they are outlined in the Holy Bible, to the breaking of bread together, and to prayer.

As a follower of The Way, I covenant over the next calendar year to sharing my possessions to the best of my ability for the hopes of meeting the needs of those around me as they are brought to my attention.

As a follower of The Way, I covenant over the next calendar year to opening up my life, even my home, for the purpose of sharing the love of Jesus Christ, and meeting with others with a glad and sincere heart, delighting in the favor of all people and praising God as He adds to our number daily the number of souls being saved.

This covenant has less to do with attaining any rights per se within the organization, but rather it is intended to keep the values of The Way in front of its congregation on a regular basis.

Q) If an individual can become a covenant partner and still be a member of other church, please describe the circumstances in which your covenants would be involved in your church and another church.

A) The covenant of The Way, as mentioned above, is taken verbatim from the NIV translation of Scripture. Therefore, the behaviors held within the covenant should not in any way conflict with any other Bible believing church of which a covenant follower of The Way is a member. Furthermore, The Way views the practice of church membership, as it is commonly practiced in our society, as something that bears little if any eternal implication and true personal meaning. Therefore, we are making it our practice to make regular covenant agreements about the way that we live our lives and interact with each other and God instead of any one-time-decision to become a “member” of our organization. We believe that this practice will reinforce the practice of living a Christian lifestyle as of far greater importance than the completion of any sort of criteria that affords one the right to be called a “member” of our specific church.

If a covenant follower of The Way comes to us and makes that covenant after having been a member of a religious institution other than Christianity, we at The Way will recognize their conversion to Christianity and profession of faith in Jesus Christ as a denouncement of their previous religious views. We, therefore, accept that their public profession of faith to be sufficient in this matter and will accept them as covenant follower.

Tomorrow's installment will deal with "need-base giving".

And don't forget:
Our next prayer meeting is this Saturday morning at 10 o'clock! We hope to see you there!

Grace and Peace be with you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Way: for the attorneys

As promised, here is the first installment from the attorney's questionnaire. We'll begin with questions about the governing of our doctrine and worship practices. This segment may not be as "interesting" in that it really expresses the unique qualities of The Way. But I feel like this is the best place to start as everything else builds off of our corporate worship experience.

Q)It was indicted that the formal practice of worship will be in form of weekly meetings for corporate worship services at which you will have prayer, praise and worship through music and other art forms, the teaching of God's Word, and the holy sacraments of Baptism and The Eucharist. Please describe the form of worship in more detail (include the specifics of the worship expression, teaching, and governing of the doctrinal beliefs of the church community).

A)We will worship through song and scriptural liturgical meditation. This expression of worship will be led by a worship leader and then shared corporately by the congregation. The teaching portion of our services will be lecture style sermons intended to share insights from the Holy Word of God for the purpose of edifying, spiritually convicting, and growing His people. The governing of the doctrinal beliefs of the church shall occur as the Pastor and the Elders of the community work in relationship with one another holding each other to the letter of Scripture in all matters of the church both inside, and outside, of the worship service environment. It will also be the responsibility of the pastor and the elders to govern the doctrine of the church as it gets expressed throughout any ancillary ministry of the church (i.e. small group Bible study, etc.).

Q) Please provide a detailed description of each of your future church services including such information as the manner of conducting, topics discussed and explaining what benefits the attendees receive through each of the activities.

A) Our gatherings would be best described as a time to pray for and pray with one another, share concerns and praises from each person’s lives, sing songs to our God, discuss life issues and hear Biblical Truth regarding them in the form of sermons, learn about needs in our community and organize ourselves strategically to meet those needs, and to embrace the mystery of worshipping the Holy God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, receiving His grace as it is expressed in the cross of Jesus Christ, and somehow attain the new life which He promises to bring to those who repent and believe upon Him.

Tomorrow's post will be more expressive in communicating some of the unique elements of our community. We will discuss membership and need base giving.

PRAYER MEETING SATURDAY MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK! (just a friendly reminder) :)

Grace and Peace be with you.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Way: Friday night recap

Hello friends of The Way. I know many of you were unavailable to attend this past prayer meeting, so I thought it might be helpful to recap it for you. We had a great half hour of prayer. We shared God stories and prayer requests. We spoke about The Way and the needs of The Way. In addition to the prayer time, much business was discussed.

In brief:
- The operating budget of The Way was presented.
- An update of the legal processes was given (we're official at this point!)
- Mark shared about the questionnaire that he has completed for The Way's attorneys and promised to share portions of it on here over the coming days as it could give some helpful clarification regarding the vision and mission of The Way.
- The Common was discussed, and an explanation of how and why The Common will be used was given.

And then we enjoyed a ton of deserts that Jean had made in preparation for a Pampered Chef show the following evening. :)

In all it was a GREAT evening. I hope you'll plan on attending our next prayer time together on Saturday August 22nd at 10am. It's sure to be a blessed time of fellowship and prayer.

Keep an eye out for blogs to come on a daily basis this week. I'll be giving you pieces of that questionnaire that I think will be very helpful for you to get a better understanding of everything we're going to be doing going forward.

Grace and Peace be with you.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Prayer meetings reminder:

Hello friends of The Way. I just wanted to remind you that the dates and times of our upcoming prayer meetings are as follows:

August 14th - 7pm
August 22nd - 10am
August 31st - 7pm
September 5th - 10am

All prayer meetings will happen at the McMahon's house (210 Irving Avenue, Latrobe). Please bring a lawn chair. Please keep in mind that these prayer meetings are going to be used to seek God in every way as we prepare to launch our new ministry together as well as to spend some time just getting to know each other better.

It's gonna be a great time! I hope to see you there!

Grace and Peace be with you.

*The picture above is from a baptism that took place yesterday. This picture shows Mark and Theresa hugging after she came up out of the water. :D

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Way: This is just exciting

You may be sick of reading it by now, but I am PUMPED about The Way!!! The mission and vision of this church to resurrect the fellowship of the book of Acts is something that I never get tired of sharing with people. In fact, I told someone about it just yesterday who said, "Church can actually be like that? I've always thought that it should be, but I never dreamed that it could be." It was as though he had heard an intriguing, yet foreign, concept.

Here are a few of the things that I'm currently working on:

1) Raising some money for a laptop. As we get started there are a handful of necessary expenditures such as this. This laptop will be used both for administrative and worship/tech purposes.

2) Securing a new venue for our worship that will better suit the needs of those in our midst who aren't able to do flights of stairs. I have a few good leads that I'm working on. Do you have any that you'd like to pass along?

3) Working closely with our attorneys as each bit of paperwork gets completed for both state and federal classifications. This process is nearing completion. YAY!

4) Gearing up for our first prayer meeting this Friday night. Are you planning to join us? We'd love to see you there! It's at the McMahon's home (210 Irving Ave, Latrobe). Those attending should bring a lawn chair and park in the rear parking lot of Latrobe Elementary School. And feel free to bring a friend!

Would you help me cover these 4 items in prayer? God is doing so much in our midst, and this is a truly blessed time for the way. Let's do are part! Pray hard friends!

Grace and Peace be with you.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Way: a means of actually doing it

Alright friends of the way. I have a HUGE announcement for you. As I mentioned in previous notes and meetings, part of our primary focus of ministry at The Way will be to "give to those as they have need" (Acts 2:45). And I am crazy excited to inform you that I have found a wonderfully helpful tool in keeping that objective at the forefront of our day to day existence that not only helps us as a faith community be notified and informed as to when a need might arise, but it also serves us in a manner that allows us to see how God uses our community to meet that need.

I recognize that what I just typed might sound confusing, but I promise you...this tool is one of a kind. There is literally nothing even remotely like it. It is called "The Common". You can check it out at:

In addition to that, I am pleased to announce that we have had someone from our community step forward and offer her assistance in moderating our community on The Common. Her name is Sam. You'll be hearing more from her in the near future. But let me just tell you, I AM SUPER PUMPED ABOUT THIS!

As August moves forward, we have prayer meetings scheduled. I do hope to see you there! September is coming! The Way is...well...on its way! Feel free to contact me if there is anything you'd like to discuss.

Grace and Peace be with you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Way: Prayer Meeting(s) info

Hello friends of the way! As we mentioned at last week's interest meeting, we will be meeting handful of times between now and our kickoff on the 2nd week of September for the purpose of prayer and fellowship. Here are the dates and times:

August 14th - 7pm
August 22nd - 10am
August 31st - 7pm
September 5th - 10am

All prayer meetings will happen at the McMahon's house (210 Irving Avenue, Latrobe). Please bring a lawn chair. Please keep in mind that these prayer meetings are going to be used to seek God in every way as we prepare to launch our new ministry together as well as to spend some time just getting to know each other better.

It's gonna be a great time! I hope to see you there!

Grace and Peace be with you.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Way: 50 cents on the dollar

As I've shared at our interest meeting, our call from God here is not so much to plant a new church but rather to resurrect an old church. The Way is intended to be a 21st century expression of the fellowship described in Acts chapters 2 and 4. Part of understanding this vision from God has been to spend a great deal of time in prayer over how the church positions itself financially to do ministry both inside and outside of its own congregation.

While the large majority of 21st century American churches tie up significant finances and other resources in the construction and maintenance of buildings, the Acts fellowship used the majority of its funds to give to those who had need. In the same spirit of the church of the book of Acts, I'm pleased to share with you a financial covenant that The Way has decided upon.

Beginning in September we will have weekly giving opportunities in the form of tithes and offerings. And in the spirit of the Acts church, we will maintain a firm commitment to giving fifty cents of every dollar collected to our missions budget. In other words, we will take half of every tithe and offering to fund our internal ministries and use the other half to, as Acts chapter 2 writes, "give to those as they have need".

This decision is made as an effort to make sure that the mission of The Way is kept sacred on all matters of budgeting.

May we at The Way have a great commitment to our services of worship, and may it forever be greater than building an ivory tower at which we may host a bunch of worship services.

Grace and Peace be with you.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Way: two questions

Its such an exciting time. With each passing day there is another email or phone call from someone who wants to be a part of what we're doing. As I consider it all, I'm still just blown away by the favor that God is showing The Way. Now that our interest meeting is over, there seem to be two questions that I continue being asked.

1) When are we getting started?


2) When can I start giving to this ministry?

Let me now address those questions in this forum. We are getting started as soon as possible. While our Sunday morning meetings will not begin until the 2nd Sunday in September, our core group will be meeting together for prayer and fellowship on a weekly basis starting next week (more info on that to come). Stay tuned over the next couple of days for more info on times and places. And regarding giving to this ministry, by the end of this week our letters of corporation will be filed with the state of PA, and we will be an official entity. At that point, we are free to open accounts, collect tithes and offerings, etc.

It's that simple, and it's that soon! I don't know about you, but I'm crazy excited. In the meantime, I ask that you be in prayer. There is much to be done before we get this party started, and in all things we seek the face of God for whom we resurrect The Way in the first place.

Grace and Peace be with you.