Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Way: just 2 more Sundays

Well, I don't know about you, but, as far as I am concerned, September 13th can't come fast enough. I'm SO excited, and I'm SO ready to do this! It seems like every night I go to bed I dream about this church. And it seems like everytime someone asks me how things are coming with the new church that I just fumble over the words because I'm just ready to get on with it. I've written and re-written and studied and memorized the opening Sunday's message, and everytime I'm alone I catch myself preaching it. Goodness...This is SOOOO exciting.

Much has been done in the past week, and there is much left to do. And, frankly, I need all the prayer that I can get. Will you be in prayer for me?

A bit of news, The Way has been incredibly blessed to have several thousands of dollars worth of consulting donated for free! I've taken advantage of some of that consulting time already, and let me just say is great stuff! It's crucial stuff, and I am blown away that God has made this available to us. We would have never been able to afford it otherwise. God is SO good!

Friends, would you join me in prayer thanking God for His goodness toward us and asking Him for His continued guidance and favor? As September 13th draws closer I think it is of great importance that we all bathe ourselves and our new church in prayer. THIS IS SO EXCITING!

Grace and Peace be with you.

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