Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Way: This is just exciting

You may be sick of reading it by now, but I am PUMPED about The Way!!! The mission and vision of this church to resurrect the fellowship of the book of Acts is something that I never get tired of sharing with people. In fact, I told someone about it just yesterday who said, "Church can actually be like that? I've always thought that it should be, but I never dreamed that it could be." It was as though he had heard an intriguing, yet foreign, concept.

Here are a few of the things that I'm currently working on:

1) Raising some money for a laptop. As we get started there are a handful of necessary expenditures such as this. This laptop will be used both for administrative and worship/tech purposes.

2) Securing a new venue for our worship services...one that will better suit the needs of those in our midst who aren't able to do flights of stairs. I have a few good leads that I'm working on. Do you have any that you'd like to pass along?

3) Working closely with our attorneys as each bit of paperwork gets completed for both state and federal classifications. This process is nearing completion. YAY!

4) Gearing up for our first prayer meeting this Friday night. Are you planning to join us? We'd love to see you there! It's at the McMahon's home (210 Irving Ave, Latrobe). Those attending should bring a lawn chair and park in the rear parking lot of Latrobe Elementary School. And feel free to bring a friend!

Would you help me cover these 4 items in prayer? God is doing so much in our midst, and this is a truly blessed time for the way. Let's do are part! Pray hard friends!

Grace and Peace be with you.

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