Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Way: for the attorneys

As promised, here is the first installment from the attorney's questionnaire. We'll begin with questions about the governing of our doctrine and worship practices. This segment may not be as "interesting" in that it really expresses the unique qualities of The Way. But I feel like this is the best place to start as everything else builds off of our corporate worship experience.

Q)It was indicted that the formal practice of worship will be in form of weekly meetings for corporate worship services at which you will have prayer, praise and worship through music and other art forms, the teaching of God's Word, and the holy sacraments of Baptism and The Eucharist. Please describe the form of worship in more detail (include the specifics of the worship expression, teaching, and governing of the doctrinal beliefs of the church community).

A)We will worship through song and scriptural liturgical meditation. This expression of worship will be led by a worship leader and then shared corporately by the congregation. The teaching portion of our services will be lecture style sermons intended to share insights from the Holy Word of God for the purpose of edifying, spiritually convicting, and growing His people. The governing of the doctrinal beliefs of the church shall occur as the Pastor and the Elders of the community work in relationship with one another holding each other to the letter of Scripture in all matters of the church both inside, and outside, of the worship service environment. It will also be the responsibility of the pastor and the elders to govern the doctrine of the church as it gets expressed throughout any ancillary ministry of the church (i.e. small group Bible study, etc.).

Q) Please provide a detailed description of each of your future church services including such information as the manner of conducting, topics discussed and explaining what benefits the attendees receive through each of the activities.

A) Our gatherings would be best described as a time to pray for and pray with one another, share concerns and praises from each person’s lives, sing songs to our God, discuss life issues and hear Biblical Truth regarding them in the form of sermons, learn about needs in our community and organize ourselves strategically to meet those needs, and to embrace the mystery of worshipping the Holy God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, receiving His grace as it is expressed in the cross of Jesus Christ, and somehow attain the new life which He promises to bring to those who repent and believe upon Him.

Tomorrow's post will be more expressive in communicating some of the unique elements of our community. We will discuss membership and need base giving.

PRAYER MEETING SATURDAY MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK! (just a friendly reminder) :)

Grace and Peace be with you.

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