Monday, April 20, 2009

stuff that's on my mind

These are just a collection of thoughts that are keeping me up at night recently.

These thoughts aren't necessarily referencing Charter Oak Church inasmuch as they are referencing our contemporary American-Christian culture.

Why is it that we call ourselves "evangelical" when we aren't all that deeply committed to evangelism?

Why do we build mega-churches when Jesus did the bulk of His ministry on the streets and in people's homes?

If God is who we believe Him to be, and His call on our lives is what we know that it is, what are we waiting for?

If the Gospel really is good news, why aren't we excited about it?

When was it that Jesus stopped caring about the people who are so lost, so broken, so misled, so caught up in the world that they make their dwelling on the fringe of society?

When did God become so tame?

When did Jesus become an American citizen?

Why do preachers have to tone-down their sermons for fear of offending someone?

Why can't the "salvation message" find its way into everything we do?

If we're supposed to care for the widow and the orphan, why don't I know many of them by name? And why am I not cooking breakfast for them right now?

With so many people talking about their desire to change the world, who will be so crazy as to actually do it. Lord make me crazy...

Why do we teach grace when we aren't willing to live it?

What are we so afraid of?

Can we re-institute the Jubilee?

When did "God bless America" become a more popular phrase than "love thy neighbor as thyself"?

What kind of church are we building for our children?

What are we doing?

Grace and Peace

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