Thursday, November 5, 2009

Something big is happening

As written here previously, The Way has taken on the task of finding winter coats for a community of homeless people who are otherwise unprepared for the coming winter season. And I have to tell you that there is something BIG going on through this. People from The Way have been using their facebook status, blogpage, email address book, and professional networks among other things to gather coats on our behalf. In fact, another church has joined us in petitioning its people for this cause. It's SO cool to see what God is doing.

We're collecting these coats on Sunday November 8th at our worship gathering. We're gonna lay them on the floor at the foot of our altar table, pray over them, give God thanks for them, then send them off to meet their new owners. We do this because we believe it is our duty in Christ to care, even for those whom no one seems to want to care about. It was Jesus who once said, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

So what do you say, friend? Can you make it your goal to gather as many coats as possible on behalf of Jesus over these next few days? Are there friends and neighbors that you could approach about this? Could you talk to your coworkers or classmates? Would you use your facebook and email contacts, etc. to find some coats and other winter clothing items?

God is doing something big with this already. Let's join together with Him to see what this is going to become.

Grace and Peace be with you.

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