Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Innovate Conference Session - 4 (notes from Frances Chan)

-The biggest problem with the church is that we're not running to the Word of God for Truth, guidance, and instruction.
-Preach the Word, men and women of God. Preach the Word even when it is unpopular.
-I've never read the book of Acts then put down my Bible thinking, "Cool, that's just like our church." Acts 4:13
-We're so educated, yet we're so afraid.
-Courage is what marked the followers of Yahweh from the beginning.
-God expects us to be courageous.
-Now-a-days we call ourselves Christians even though we aren't truly like Christ. It used to be that Christians actually lived out the teachings of Christ. Some even died for it.
-When reading Scripture, constantly bring yourself to the obvious Truth. Search for the deeper meanings, but don't miss the obvious Truth.
-Read the Bible cover to cover and then ask yourself, "According to this book, what is commanded of the church?" WHO CARES ABOUT THE REST! (Amen)
-The church should NEVER gather without there being a tremendous amount of love for one another.
-If you were on an island and unable to be influenced by anyone elses teachings, what would the Holy Spirit teach you about following Christ based upon the time that you spent by yourself reading God's Word?
-The problem that I have with most churches today is that they are so stoppable. Jesus makes it clear that His church is UNstoppable...not even the gates of hell can stand against it.
-If you've heard the voice of the Lord, drown out all of the other voices no matter what.
-Just believe again.

NOTE - This was easily the most powerful thing I've heard in a LONG time. When Frances walked off of the stage you could've heard a pin drop, then someone from the audience approached the stage and insisted that we pray for Frances and the power of his ministry. Then I had to disappear for a while and be with Jesus. God used Frances' words this morning to rock my world. I'm still just indescribably moved by this session.

1 comment:

Эндий said...

"-The church should NEVER gather without there being a tremendous amount of love for one another."
