Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Thoughts about the Bible

Once a year, or there abouts, I like to take a week to just read all the way through the Bible again. It's a labor of love for me because reading is not my favorite thing in the world to do, but I find that doing this reminds me of some key areas of the Biblical narrative that I haven't thought about in a while, gives me new insight, and just generally rekindles my love for God's Word. After reading through it again this week, I have a few random thoughts:

1) When Noah said "yes" to building the ark, did he have any idea how much poop he was going to have to put up with?
2) When did it occur to the Isrealites that for one to truly enjoy the land of milk and honey, one would have to milk the cows and get stung by the bees...Would they have gone had they known what truly awaited them in Jericho? More importantly, Would I?
3) I still laugh out loud every time I read Judges 3:15 "And the Isrealites cried out to the LORD, and He sent them a deliverer, Ehud, a left-handed man". Give it up for south-paws!
4) Song of Songs...I think that comparing my lover's body parts to animals is just downright romantic. Too bad my lover doesn't think so.
5) Psalm 23 still gets to me. "And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
6) Bartimaeus is one of my heros. "Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more..." (Mark 10:48) When I really think about that moment, it takes my breath away.
7) Jesus told the Canaanite woman that she had "great faith" (Mark 15:28). Oh that we would all live lives that would invite such a remark from the King.
8) There's just nothing quite like 3 days in the belly of a fish to help you come to your senses.
9) Sometimes when I read about the church in the book of Acts, I get inspired to be a part of bringing the simplicity of the first-century gatherings to today's culture.
10) Sometimes when I read about the church in the book of Acts, I get discouraged because I wonder if anyone in our culture would ever consider being a part of something so simple and "in your face".
11) Paul NEVER stops talking about grace. May I be bold enough to do the same
12) John NEVER stops talking about God's love. May I be bold enough to do the same.
13) Whoever the author of Hebrews was, he/she, in my opinion, had a better understanding of faith than any other contributor to the Biblical narrative.

A verse to leave you with:
"For He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."
Colossians 1:13-14

Grace and Peace

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