Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Church planting vulnerability

Sometimes we pastors are guilty of hiding behind our masks of Christianity so much so that the vulnerability of our true emotions never come through. To defeat that tendency, I give you an online conversation between myself and another church planter. This was taken from mine and Eric Phillips' Facebook walls:

Me: So you have a few weeks in...how's the new church going? Man, I've been praying for you like a madman.

Eric: Hey bro, it has been good. I think we might have just found a guy to do worship, he and his wife visited 2 weeks ago and we've been meeting and praying. We held a free community Thanksgiving dinner over thanksgiving which was awesome but completely broke me seeing how much need is in our area, and how many people are living with no hope. Just leaves me with more resolve to bring the hope of the Gospel and the coming Kingdom to this area no matter what it costs. I appreciate your prayers bro, even though God is doing awesome things I've been under a lot of attack, just really doubting my adequacy and feeling like I'm going to fail. How are things at the Way? How are you and your fam doing? How are you holding up financially?

Me: I here you about the attack, bro. I've been fighting off that demon for months now. Inadequacy, fear, worry...ugh...I have to put on the armor against them every day. I'm glad to hear of your early success. As for The Way, I couldn't be more pleased. We see new faces every day and the majority of them unchurched. We are literally a handful of empty chairs away from outgrowing our facility. And currently the church is in good financial standing. That's a little bigger deal to us than maybe most independent church plants as we tithe 50% of our budget back into the needy of our community...it means it takes twice as long to save up for purchases/bills. But because of His provision, our bills are all paid. Additionally, my personal financial situation is a blessing as well. I haven't received a paycheck in months, yet we have been able to find the funds every month come payment time. I still have days in which I feel like an irresponsible father, but I know that a day is coming in which my kids will have a testimony from my life experience which leads them to give obedience a chance. In short, I'm blessed. I'm excited. I'm terrified. I'm determined. I've never had so little, yet I've never felt so full. My church is a growing baby committed to Scripture and Missional expressions thereof. And this season of my life is a wonderfully messy expression of the deepest faith I've ever been able to muster. I've never been happier. I've never been so terrified. And I've never felt so close to Jesus. Blessings and favor upon you my brother...

Nothing like honesty to help people understand just how risky faith really is.
Grace and Peace be with you.

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