Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Between holidays

In year's past I've let this week in between the holidays slip away while doing a bunch of nothing. But I've made it a point to handle this year differently.

I'm spending my time:

1) playing with my children

...wrestling in the living room floor with my boys and dating my daughter.
2) practicing my guitar
...I finally conquered the riff at the beginning of David Crowder's "Oh for a thousand tongues"!
3) praying
...that sounds obligatory, but I've been praying more than usual. It's nice.
4) setting goals for 2009
...historically speaking, I'm not a goal setter. I just do what I think I'm being called to do as best I can and let God take care of the rest. But after three years of working with Pastor Chris and seeing how he does things, I'm gonna give his approach a try. I'll still be doing what I feel called to do as best I can a leaving the rest to God. I'm just gonna do my best to be a little more intentional in certain areas.
5) Watching light-hearted movies
...now that I've cancelled my cable, I don't have any TV tempting me on a regular basis. So I've treated myself to some movie rentals. They're all comedies. It's been a long, hectic December. I'm going to laugh a lot this week.

How are you spending your week? Are you ready for a new year?

Grace and Peace

1 comment:

human said...

Im sick. puking is not fun 8(