Thursday, October 1, 2009

Week number 4 is coming


What a wonderful time these first three weeks at The Way have been...

In recent months I've found that planting a church is everything that people say it is; exhilarating, terrifying, hard work, pure joy. And doing it with you at The Way has made it all the more wonderful. I love the fact that there is already a strong sense of family and community at The Way. I love the fact that we laugh more than anything. I love that we share our lives with one another during our prayer times. I love the fact that we let our actions speak for themselves when it comes to caring for one another and seeing that needs get met. I love the fact that we don't take ourselves too seriously, and I love the fact that we meet in the most humble and simple way and find a marvelous and powerful God. This is truly the church that I've longed for my entire life.

How's it going for you so far? What's your feedback? As your pastor, I want to hear from you about these things. Feel free to drop me a line and share your thoughts with me. I have a new email address. Please make note of it in your "contacts". It is:

I hope to see you this Sunday morning. In addition to our usual practice of community and learning to live the way of Jesus, some important announcements are coming regarding the formation of small groups at The Way. It's going to be another great weekend. Be sure to come, and bring a few friends with you. And one final thing, keep an eye out at my blog page and The Way's website for a promotional video that Chelsea Medic is putting together for us. I've seen one of the final's perfect!!!

Grace and Peace be with you.

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