Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Things I am praying about right now.

I list these in the chance that you might join me in praying for these things:

-My beautiful new son and his entrance into this world (both momma and baby are well)
-The "Less than 3" series that we just completed with the Student Ministry. It was awesome!
-"Sex Night" was a huge success!!!
-We've started 3 new small groups in the past month!
-The Winter Retreat is less than a month away!

-The upcoming Winter Retreat:
that God's anointing would be on the entire event
that every student will be burdened to invite their friends to attend
that this event would be the "shot in the arm" that so many need right now
that Broken Yoke would be kept safe in their travel to and from
-The next two weeks of Student Ministry, we have a Superbowl Party and a round of Polaroid Ponder. Pray that these events will be a wonderful time fellowship and community building for our students and staff.
-CHILL...It's our new Wednesday night program. Pray that it will thrive and grow.
-For every student in the ministry that they would develop a greater hunger for Jesus.
-For every aspect of our ministry that we will us these to be able to build relationships with the students that will best allow for us to speak Truth into their lives.
-that Sunday would come...

Thanks for helping me lift these things up!

Did you see...

This is the last in the "Cheesey Love Song" collection. Thank you Chezla for all of your hard work!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Sex Video

Posted by popular demand! This was shown as an ice-breaker to an indepth discussion on sex and purity for last weekend's Student Ministry programs.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Random thoughts after midnight

I was awakened by my newborn son about a half hour ago for a diaper change, and I haven't been able to fall back to sleep. I figured maybe if I jotted down some of the random thoughts that are currently disturbing my slumber then perhaps I'll be able to get back to sleep soon. Here goes:

1) Why do babies poop so much? Seriously, they drink milk, and milk is liquid...shouldn't this come out of their bodies in the form of urine? Maybe I'm over thinking it, but I'm dumbfounded with this.

2) Babies have the best life ever. They get to sleep whenever they want to. A loving care-giver is always available to watch after them, even to the point of wiping their bottom when they need it, and mommy's breast is always available to provide an all-you-can-eat meal anytime you get hungry...they don't even have to burp themselves...Upgrade!

3) I wonder what Jesus was like as a baby.

4) My goatee is now an inch long. It's taken two months to get there. Maybe by March I'll be able braid it. Some of the students in the ministry ask to touch it every time they see it now. You might think that's weird...I do too. :-)

5) I have no idea which presidential candidate I'm going to vote for. And as for this little ongoing argument between Hilary and Obama...Praise God the debates finally have some entertainment value. I say bring in the Jerry Springer studio audience to provide some sound effects for the next debate just to spice it up a little bit. Who knows, it could be fun.

6) Sylvester Stallone's neck is significantly thicker now than it was 5 years ago. Seriously, have you seen the Rambo previews? His neck looks like he tried to swallow a tree trunk that got stuck in his esophagus. I'm no medical expert or anything, but he needs to get a doctor to check that out. That thing could explode at any minute. Wait...maybe that's how the new Rambo movie ends...

7) What is up with all of the reality "love" shows on vh1. Flava Flav needs love, New York needs love, and now Brett Michaels needs love...And what's worse, Flava has tried 3 times, New York has had 2 chances, and Brett is now on his second round of ladies...Dude, why does America care that much about the love lives of "c-list" celebrities. Come on, people!!!! That's like junk food for your soul.

Okay, I'm tired again. G'night.

ps - I warned you that they were random thoughts :-)

A prayer

I was listening to Paul Baloche's latest worship album again today, and I was reminded of the incredibly moving track entitled "Prayer". It is a live recording of a visiting pastor to Paul's church praying as a call to worship. It softens my spirit and quickens my pulse every time I hear it. I love the guy's accent; I love his heart; I love his boldness; I love it; I love it; I love it. Check it out, he prays:

(as you read this imagine it being passionately proclaimed through a heavy African accent)

"In the name of Jesus, we speak to open skies...yes, the open skies this morning. Lord we speak the freedom of emotions to love you, that those who are afraid to love you with tears will not be afraid this morning. God we speak freedom of the dance, that those who would love you with the dance will be free to dance before you. Oh God, that those who lift up there hands...oh, God, hallelujah!...that their hands will be freely lifted up. And, Father, as the singers sing, would the shekinah glory come down. We don't just want to sing songs. We want to lift up God that the presence of God would come down from heaven. So you, God of Elijah, who consumes this sacrifice, would you come down, oh, God. Would you come that the fire would be found within our hearts this morning. That's what we desire. That's our cry, oh God...not just to be a nice, pretty, well-organized church, but to be the church where there is the presence of God. That's what we desire, oh God."

Then the man screams, "OH! OH! OH!"

You might think it's wierd, but everytime I hear that prayer I get so fired up that I end up screaming with him at the end. He's right, by the way. My desire is not just to be part of a nice, pretty, well-organized church. No, no, no, no, no...but to be the church where there is the presence of God. That's what I desire, AMEN.

The least of these (who are you pouring into?)

I was reading my Pastor's blog this morning (Chris Whitehead)...

You can check him out at chriswhitehead.blogspot.com

Anyways, I was reading his blog this morning and got the biggest chuckle out of the portion of his blog where he lists "blogs I read". The list includes:

Tim Stevens
Scott Hodge
Dave Ferguson
Perry Noble
Tony Morgan
Mark McMahon

That just absolutely cracked me up because, while I appreciate a shout out from someone I respect so highly, I couldn't help feeling like i didn't belong on that list. Check it out:

Tim Stevens is the executive pastor at one of the largest most innovative churches in America and has authored several books on strategic work in ministry. Scott Hodge is the pastor of The Orchard and quietly champions the cause for anyone who's ever struggled with answering a call to ministry (seriously, you gotta hear this guy's testimony). Dave Ferguson...just read his book "The Big Idea". This guy is off the charts! Perry Noble is the lead pastor of what I believe is the next big thing in American Churches. His no-nonsense preaching and emphasis on reaching the lost is second to none. Tony Morgan has worked with Tim Stevens at Tim's church and now works with Perry Noble at Perry's church. He co-authored all of the strategic ministry books that Tim Stevens published, and his ideas on leadership are about as cutting edge as it gets.

And then there's me. I am the Pastor to Student Ministry at Charter Oak Church. While I am extremely blessed to fulfill that role, it isn't a title that commands any real respect from anyone in my industry. I haven't written any books. There aren't thousands of people flocking to hear me teach, and I haven't hosted any cutting edge conferences that have placed me on a "who's who" list of young ministry leaders. I'm just me...a dude that holds fast to Jesus no matter what...a dude that believes in the potential of this generation of students regardless of what society says about them...a dude that has a longer list of failures than successes...you know...just an ordinary dude...and my pastor reads my blogs.

I know that Chris could list several good reasons to read my stuff. He could (and probably would) say that it's a good way to keep in touch with me outside of the status-quo of office life or that it gives him insight into what's stirring my passions lately. But knowing Chris, I would guess that the real reason he reads my blog is that he wants me to know that he cares...that he wants to be able to minister to me on the deepest level every day...that he wants to pour Jesus into me in the moments that I need it the most...That means the world to me.

It begs the question: who am I pouring into? Who are you pouring into? God has strategically placed us in one another's lives so that we may hold one another before the cross of Jesus with great affection, encouragement, and accountability. So...my fire has been lit...I want to be more intentional about this, and I intend to spend the next couple of weeks focusing on this.

Who are you pouring into?

The David Lee Roth blog

Check out Corey Mann's last blog about David Lee Roth. I laughed out loud.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Izzy pics

I've uploaded a few more pics of my son. Double click on the pic below to view them.


Monday, January 21, 2008

Did you see...

this post from the Mousegirl. Katie knows what's up.

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."
-Galatians 5:1

PM sent me a text message the other day. It simply said Galatiians 5:1. I didn't recognize it so I decided to look it up. For the past few days this verse has been itching at my heart.

Freedom. The state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. The absence of or release from ties. Freedom. This is a big deal. Christ gave us freedom. Christ gave us opportunity. Christ gave us independence. Christ gave us liberty.

You are free. Free from all that holds you down. Free from your past. Free from your present. Free from all the things that bind you. Stand firm, then, and do not be burdened by a yoke of slavery.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Israel James McMahon was born 01/19/08!

5 lbs. 7 ounces, 19 inches long

Mother and baby are fine...sleepy, but fine. :-)
Double click on the picture below. It will direct you to my photobucket where you can see more pictures!


Friday, January 18, 2008

Things that rocked about last night's snow-tubing:

- having an "ice goatie" by the end of the night.

- Mousegirl nearly chewing the ice off of my goatie...hey, don't look at me...Ashley Riggle started the whole hair chewing thing...

- Ms. Tay-Tay

- learning that B-Ry can "fly like Jesus"...now you might be reading this thinking to yourself, "Jesus never flew. Why did you say B-Ry flies like Jesus?" It's a simple answer really...when inertia caused B-Ry to become airborne and propelled high above the rest of us, he held his arms out in the crucifix position thusly inferring to us that if and when Jesus were ever to have flown...it would resemble the moment that B-Ry was...um...high and lifted up.

- seeing pretty much everybody fall on their butt at some point in the evening...except for Dr. McDreamy, of course...he bounced off of his intertube and landed flat on his face...that's bonus points if you ask me!

- hearing Noah, Blues, and Marley giggle all the way down the slopes

- the hot chocolate...it was better than Starbucks...no diggidy!

- the formation of the tubes as they went down the slopes that one time...so relevant on purity week. ;-)

- throwing snowballs at Mini as we rode the lift

- conversation with Keeks on the way home...Keeks loves Jesus! It's osm!

- listening to an arugment about the history of "emo"...Was Fish right, or was Fish wrong? And if Fish was wrong, is this the first time ever that Fish's vast collection of random data has failed to withstand the accuracy test? We'll never know...

- seeing how funny we all looked while bundled up like eskimos
ps - no one looks good in snow-pants, but the swooshing sound that happens as you walk certainly helps set up a snowball ambush...upgrade!

- Katie Levickas' furry boots...she looked like she was walking on bear cubs...either that or it appeared that she hadn't shaved her legs in a REALLY long time. J/K - They looked nice and warm!

- Cierra Noel informed me that horses can't vomit. I found that fascinating.

- hearing the whole van sing nearly every word of Toby Mac's "Boomin'"...That never gets old!

- discussing the content of my ABS meetings...priceless

But most of all, last night rocked because it felt like family. There was none of this "my group/your group" stuff. We just came together, hurled ourselves down the mountain, laughed, and had mass shenanigans. That's what this Student Ministry is all about. If you were there, then you know what I'm talking about. If you weren't, then I hope to see you next time. We really had a blast!

ps - did I mention that I have the greatest job in the world!?!

Have you seen this?

More "less than 3" shenanigans. Props to Chezla! She is a genious!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My cup has overflowed...

It really has...My cup has overflowed. It's not just some cliche' Christian regurgitation of bad preaching to me...From getting to do life with a wife and family as amazing as mine, to getting to partner in ministry with such a diverse and anointed group of colleagues and coworkers, I've truly experienced the abundant goodness of the Lord, and my cup has overflowed. Perhaps that's why Psalm 23:5 is so special to me. And the account of the Widow's oil in 2 Kings chapter 4...don't even get me started! (shout out to my ABS group)

That being said, I came across a poem today that brought me back to that place of awe and wonder about the Lord's goodness. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

By: Cindy Martin

I've never made a fortune
just a lot of bills to pay
But I don't worry about that much
I'm happy anyway

As I go along life's way
I'm reaping better than I sowed
And I'm drinking from my saucer
'Cause my cup has overflowed

Haven't got a lot of riches
and sometimes the going's rough
But love is all around me
so I feel rich enough

I thank God for His blessings
and the mercies He's bestowed
I'm drinking from my saucer
'Cause my cup has overflowed

So, Lord, give me the strength and courage
when the way grows steep and rough
and bless my fellow travelers
I'm already blessed enough

And may I never be too busy
to help others with their load
Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer
'Cause my cup has overflowed

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Who Am I

I cried as I watched this the first time. This is amazing. Thanks for sending it to me Ashley!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I need to be reminded. I really do...
I need to be reminded that the tomb is empty.
I need to be reminded that there is power in the blood.
I need to be reminded that the purpose of the cross is to heal me and not to condemn me.

I need to be reminded every day.

I need to be reminded that I have been seated with Christ in heavenly places.

I need to be reminded that our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

I need to be reminded that His grace is new every morning...is amazing...is sufficient...is freely given...

I need to be reminded to breathe. I really do...

I need to be reminded that Jesus is my all-sufficient Savior...is a Healer...is enough...is the Lover of my soul...is my Rock of Refuge...is a nail in a sure place...is surely with me right up to the very end of the age...is my Advocate...is covering me in blood, holy blood...

Oh, it seems like I wouldn't forget, but I need to be reminded...desperately!

I need to be reminded that this place is not my home.
I need to be reminded that, even though I am walking through the valley of the shadow of death, I'm doing just that...I'm walking THROUGH it. I'm not stuck here. I'm not setting up camp here. I'm not drawing any lineage to this place. I'm not gonna spend much time in this valley. I'm not going to try to grow roots in this valley...I'm walking through it, and I need to be reminded of that.

I need to be reminded that better is one day in the courts of the Lord than a thousand days elsewhere. For truly, I'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

I need to be reminded that He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I could ever hope for or imagine according to the power which is at work in me.

I need to be reminded that I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live...the life I live in the body I live by faith in the one who gave His life for me.

I need to be reminded to love.
I need to be reminded to forgive.
I need to be reminded to trust.
I need to be reminded to hope.
I need to be reminded that You are in control...Sovereign, Almighty...

It seems like I wouldn't forget, but things aren't always as they seem...

God, show me today the Way the Truth and the Life, and please show me again tomorrow.
I'll need to be reminded...

Did you see this?

This is a video that a student made to go along with the current teaching series on Sunday nights which is all about love. OMG!!!

A testimony from last Sunday night!

A student sent me this message after attending last Sunday night's student ministry program. Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I was drinking a Venti Agnostic with a shot of Jesus. Now I am drinking a full strength Venti Jesus! You may ask how this “Atheist” loves god. Well, I could not see a point for my life. I could not see how I could live. I felt empty. I was depressed. I felt like I was in a deep pit and every one was ignoring me. And the savior came and threw down his rope and began to help me out. My mental “steel” walls crumbled when he tried to enter. He brought me to tears. He found me in all of pain. He showed me compassion when I believed no one cared. He added to my barren cup and made it over flow. He showed me love when I told myself for the google time no one could love me. He sent me a physical reminder of his love through Bryan. That’s how I know that there is a god not through science or logic but through love and compassion towards me. Love for a lowly, imperfect, dull, ugly, unlovable, shy me. That my friend is why I love Jesus king of kings and ruler of my life. "

Woo-Hoo!!! It's testimonies like this that remind me why we do what we do.
Be blessed, a revival has begun!

Friday, January 4, 2008

10 things I am excited about right now!

10 - This Sunday night at Revolution and Powered Up! There ae so many cool things that are going to hit the stage. If you can come, THEN YOU SHOULD COME!

9 - I sold my car today. Praise God it's gone, and praise God that I actually got the money that I wanted to get out of it.

8 - The first week of the new year is coming to an end, and I actually didn't do too badly on keeping my resolutions.

7 - Corey Mann (the speaker for our upcoming retreat) made a video shout-out for us. You can view it at www.mynameiscorey.com. This guy is the coolest!

6 - We got a new pop machine for the Rush Room, and one day there will actually be pop in it (a week to 10 days).

5 - Jesus is our Savior, but Ol' Man Ricketts "will take care of us"!

4 - We are starting two new A.B.S. groups this week!

3 - Mousegirl and Chelsea are working on new videos for our ministry right now. They're gonna be most fantastic.

2 - The Winter Retreat is only 6 and a half weeks away (February 22-24)! You really should come to this. With everything that is in the works, this should be the best retreat ever!!!

1 - My wife is about as pregnant as one can be right now. No really, my son could arrive at any moment!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A message from Corey Mann, our speaker for the upcoming winter retreat! Watch the video and give him a shout out at www.mynameiscorey.com!

Prayer Request

This weekend I will be preaching a message to the student ministry at my church that I have a really "big" feeling about. Call me crazy, but I can't shake the feeling that God is going to use this to really touch some people's hearts. That being said, I am asking any and all who will pray to lift me and the students of Charter Oak Church up over the next couple of days. Please pray that God will cause hearts to be changed and lives to be transformed. Please, please pray...

My New Year's resolutions

It's a new year. Here are my goals:

To be more forgiving:
It's hard to admit, but I really struggle with letting things go sometimes. I know that may not speak well of me as a follower of Christ, so I'm gonna spend the year working on it. Just don't make me mad!!!!! J/K

To be more engaged in the lives of my wife and kids:
The nature of ministry can be pretty invasive to the home-life of a pastor. While I want to be the very best pastor that I can be, it is WAY MORE IMPORTANT that I be the best husband and father that I can be. Therefore, I want every day of 2008 to rest fondly in the hearts and minds of Jean, Blues, Marley, and Izzy (due to arrive in February ). If I fail at all of my other resolutions, this is the one that I will be sure to keep.

To spend more time in God's Word:
I believe the power of God's Word is best found when you saturate yourself in it, and more-so-than-ever-before I want to make sure that I am thoroughly bathed in scripture. While I already spend time reading the Word every day, it is my goal to spend more time studying and pondering. Reading for depth and not for distance, I want to be like a beautiful steak soaking in a marinade preparing for the master chef to use it to feed the hungry.

To stop apologizing so much:
Anyone who really knows me will tell you that I use the phrase "I'm sorry" several times a day. And while I believe that phrase to be incredibly important when it is needed, I have caught myself apologizing over the past year for some of the dumbest stuff. Stuff like: my personal preferences on things, my faith, my preaching style, my style of dress, my hair style, and even the amount of time that I spend with my wife and kids. But that's definitely gonna stop. Starting right now I'm not sorry about those things, and if you're offended by that, then you should know that I'm gonna do my very best to share the love of Christ with you anyway.

To plug into a small group:
My wife and I will be looking to plug into a small group this year. We've been a part of small groups in the past, but over time the groups fizzled and dissolved. That being said...we're getting back in the game. We need accountability just as much as the next married couple, and I'm placing this on the priority list!

That's it. Those are my resolutions.
ps - Happy New Year!

70 Minutes at Charter Oak Church

There is a student in our ministry whose parents attend a different church in our community...No big deal, it's actually somewhat common considering the fact that our church is one of the few in our community that has an active student ministry. That being said, this student's parents decided to come check out one of our Christmas eve services because the times of our services were better suited to their holiday plans than their "home church's" services.That being said, I got a phone call from the mother of that student earlier today. She thanked me for the hospitality that was extended to her while she and her family were worshipping with us. And then...THE BEST PART...she thanked me for introducing her to Jesus! She said to me, "I've spent 53 years at that other church, and all it took was 70 minutes at Charter Oak Church to really find Jesus."

Please note that I am not trying to make Charter Oak Church sound superior to any other church out there. I am merely quoting something that was said to me that I've known for a long time...and that is the fact that Charter Oak is a place where people from all walks of life can come to find their Savior. I believe that is what a church is supposed to be, by the way. Call it a hospital for sinners, the bride of Christ, a gathering of the faithful. Regardless of the titles you use, God's church has, at its core, a call which defies denominationalism and exceeds the expectations of institutionalized religion. God's church, at its core, has a call to love...no matter what...and love with Christ's love.

So say what you want about my church. I'll be the first to admit that we haven't got it all figured out yet. But for at least one person last weekend God chose to attend a divine appointment that was hosted by Charter Oak Church, and that, my friends, is why we do what we do.
Praise God!

The end of the message

Several adults and students who were present at Charter Oak Church last weekend have asked me to get them a manuscript of the closing of my message from last Sunday. So here is the end of "God Gives"..."Here me as I tell you that I believe that the Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of God. But when it comes to John 3:16, I believe that the translators got it wrong. They record, "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son." And I feel that the verb tense in this verse is incorrect. What I'm saying is that not only did God give his Son, but I believe that God GIVES his Son. Such is the mystery of faith which we all proclaim...Christ has died; Christ has risen; Christ will come again. The Revelation supports this when it records Jesus as saying, "Behold I am coming soon." But what is so awe inspiring about it is that when Christ returns the rules will have changed...

When He came the first time, He carried our humiliation, but when he comes again he will come in exaltation.

When He came the first time he was wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger, but when He comes again He'll be clothed in splendor and riding among the clouds.

When He came the first time the shepherds and the Magi were the first invited into His presence, but when He returns the first will be you, and me, and all of the other ordinary sinners who simply dared to believe.

When He came the first time, He wore the crown of thorns, but when He returns He will be wearing the crown of heaven.When He came the first time, He died on a cross, but when He comes again death will be no more.

When He came the first time, He entered a world of pain and sorrow, but when He returns He will wipe away every tear. There will be no more mourning or crying or pain. For the old order of things will all pass away.

When He came the first time, they called Him the King of the Jews, but when He returns in glory they will see him and know that He is the risen King of Kings.

When He came the first time, He spent 40 days being tempted by the devil, but when He returns the devil is gonna get a whoopin' like no one's ever seen before.

When He came the first time, the crowds shouted "CRUCIFY HIM!", but when He returns every knee in heaven and on earth and under the earth will bow and every tongue will shout to the north and the south and the east and the west that Jesus Christ is Lord.

When He came the first time, the Son of Man had nowhere to lay his head. But when He returns, He will gather the faithful, the blood-washed, and the born again. And He will take us into his Father's house. For in his Father's house there are many rooms. If it were not so, He would have told you, and He is right there, right now preparing a place especially for you. And when we get there, we will be ushered into his throneroom where we will join in with the saints to sing the song of eternity: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. Hallelujah!"I hope this blesses you.-PM