Sunday, May 4, 2008

Great Quotes

"Some wish to live within earshot of a chapel bell. I, on the other hand, wish to run a rescue mission within a yard of hell. That way the cry of the damned will remind me to fight with all that I am for those souls who have yet to enter."
C.T. Studd

"How can we feel good talking about the Second Coming of Christ when so many have never heard about the first...?"
Oswald Smith

"Let my heart be broken by the things which break the heart of God."
Bob Pierce

"Show me someone who has faced the challenge of changing themselves, and I'll show you someone who has the right to talk about changing the world."
Rick Warren

"The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity. Rather, it is its sending capacity."
Mike Stachura

"The end of fear is where we begin."
The Goo Goo Dolls

"God didn't save you from what you've done...God saved you from who you were. You should thank Him for that."
Wayne Barber

"We love to hang on to things that feel good, produce great results, yet are completely irrelevent to our mission."
Tom Beagan

"It's Friday, but Sunday's coming."
Tony Campolo

"Some people preach because they feel like they have to say something...Other people preach because God has given them something to say."
Allen Weller

"Though He slay me, yet will I put my hope in Him."
Job (Job 13:15)

"Just because you step in a pile of mess doesn't mean you need to lay down and roll around in it."
Marie Slate (Marie is my mom. She would say this to me anytime she discerned that I was wollowing in self pity.)

"I want this church to be about changing lives for eternity."
Chris Whitehead

"I want to see you in Heaven and marvel at your knees roughly calloused from hours upon hours of prayer, your hands ever dirtied from the work of the Gospel, your back broken from carrying your cross, and your throat sore from a lifetime of telling others about His grace."

"To call me a prodigal would be only scratching the surface of what I've been known to be."
Rush of Fools

Grace and Peace to you.

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