Thursday, May 22, 2008

Saddleback Conference Day #3

Wow...that's all I can say right now is wow...In this post I am going to give you some of my key learns and favorite quotes from the day, and in a later post I am going to try and sum up for you what is going on in my soul right now. are the quotes:
"Conflict is almost always a result of spiritual emptiness."

"There are 2 kinds of leaders: selfish leaders and servant leaders."

"Selfish leaders have moved from 'service' to 'serve us'."

"One of the most important words in our faith is the word 'Go'. You can't spell Gospel without 'Go'. You can't spell Good News without 'Go'. Islam's banner is submit. Budhisms banner is wait. The Christians banner should be go."

"It's not the Great suggestion. It's the Great Commission."

"Jesus invested the maximum amount of His time in those who would carry the maximum amount of the responsibility."

"The Christian objective should be the global glory of God."

"30,000 children die everyday from otherwise preventable or curable diseases."

"Most of the world would love to have America's problems."

"Half of the world lives on less than $2 dollars a day."

"One billion people alive today live on less than $1 dollar a day."

"For the last 50 years the hands and feet of Christ have been amputated, and the body of Christ has become nothing more than a big mouth." (Quote of the conference for me!)

"Every church must be a 'sending church', and every church must be a 'receiving church'."

"It takes a church to grow a village."

"If money could solve the worlds problems, the world wouldn't have any problems."

"Modern day churches have adopted a philosophy of 'you pray, you pay, now stay out of the way and leave the work to the professionals. This was never what Jesus had in mind for His bride."

"The antidote to poverty is job creation, not fundraising."

"The church that doesn't want to grow is telling the lost that they can go to hell."

"The Kingdom of God is anywhere that Jesus is King."

"The problem with most of us is that we set our goals too low, and we try to achieve them too fast."

"What God wants more than anything is for His lost children to be found."
(This quote breaks my heart.)

"72,000 people accept Christ per day."

I would like to end this post by going on record and saying that I'm utterly convinced that Rick Warren is the real deal and lightyears beyond ANYONE else in ministry. There's a lot of criticism written about Rick every day...Simply put, it's all trash. Rick is a true man of God who operates in a league that is truly all his own. We should all thank God for Rick and his many contributions to the Kingdom.

Grace and Peace to you.

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