Friday, January 16, 2009

40 Days of Purpose: Day 10

Day 10: The heart of worship

Today's reading begins with a most convicting sentence: "The heart of worship is surrender." I don't even know how to begin to express to you how this sentence hits me as I read it.

worship requires surrender...
surrender to God...
surrender to Jesus...
surrender to a cross...
surrender to love...
surrender to righteousness...
surrender to the call on my life...
surrender when surrender comes easy...
surrender when surrender is the last thing I want to do...

I don't remember this chapter hitting me so hard the first time I did the 40 days of purpose, but it's overwhelming this time through.

God, I surrender.
And in all of the ways that I'm still learning to surrender, please help me.

Grace and Peace to the fullest measure today.

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