Friday, July 17, 2009

My new church: with a little help from my friends

Today was a huge day for the new church. I can't really define's just a feeling, a hunch. I had correspondence with several local friends who were offering words of encouragement, helpful insight, or offers to assist with the organization of the church. And, to put the icing on the cake, I spent about an hour on the phone with a very special friend of mine who lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is a HUGELY successful church planter/pastor/author who has graciously agreed to mentor me through the next two years. I'm so blessed by all of this. Ministry is not a one man show. It's a collaborative effort being carried out by like minded individuals who have sold out to the same vision for the glory of God. Can I get an amen?

It makes me wonder. Who else will God bring to this venture? What holy tapestry will God use this church to weave together? Whoever they are, I'm already praying for them and for their families. I'm so excited to get started! Will you join me in praying for those people?

Grace and Peace be with you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark - I am thrilled things are coming together for you. I haven't forgotten that we need to get together and play. Let me know what works for you and just bring your teles. Please let me know how I can help.

Jason Rewis said...

Hi Mark,

My name is Jason Rewis, I'm from Mount Dora, FL. You don't know me, but I'm really interested in the "new church" you venturing in to. I know it may be kind of random for a total stranger to contact you like this, but I'm praying for you and this new ministry.

Your brother,