Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My new church: you gotta start somewhere

Many of my friends and family have asked me to document my journey in planting a church here on this blog page. And while I haven't been posting regularly of late, I've decided to honor the request of so many and share regularly about my journey.

But before I get going on that, I'd like to add a disclaimer:

I do recognize that there are some who will read these blogs and try to make this into a negative gesture toward my former church family. And for those who do, know in advance that you are merely using the words here in a manner that I never intended for them to be used. I love Charter Oak Church (verb is present tense here for a reason). And I consider the employees of Charter Oak Church all to be friends. I hope that Charter Oak Church grows and thrives and sees her full potential reached. I wish the best for Charter Oak Church's leadership, and I am not interested in sharing any dialogue with anyone who wants to twist my words to mean anything other than that.

On with the post...........

I filed my application for my church's 501(C)3 today! It's the first important step to becoming a legally recognized entity. In fact, the application was for several other legal "what not" that goes with being a recognized non-profit. There is a 2-4 week window before I'll get my approval from the IRS, but I've got a great group of people working with me on this. They've assured me that approval is only a month away. This is a huge step. Taking the time to fill out the application and forking over the fifteen-hundred dollars in fees has made this all very real. I'm starting a church. Wow...There's no money, no structure, no history, no budget...just a vision...this is the scariest, most exciting thing I've EVER experienced. I'll share more about that vision in the days ahead. But until then, I'll just ask you to join me in prayer over this. For God's guidance; for God's anointing; for God's favor; for God's provision...

The day has come in which I've taken the first important step in realizing the dream that God has birthed in me. I can't wait for tomorrow!

Grace and Peace be with you.


Эндий said...

it's all happening

Should've Been a Beach Bum said...

this is exciting! words cannot express how happy I am for you! God has some really awesome things planned for you and I cannot wait to see where He takes your family and yourself. He has given you the gift of truly being able to reach people-young or old it does not matter-and I truly believe you will utilize this gift to your utmost potential!